There's no doubt she's coming for me.

The eerie silence is deafening.

Her footsteps, loud, drawing near,

I muffle my cries.

I run off into the blood red dawn.

I feel her presence,

I can feel her dreaming of me,

Falling to my death.

She finds me,

Coming closer.

Inside my head

I'm screaming and trying to run.

I find myself frozen in place.

She draws a knife,

Piercing it into my side.

She kills me slowly, letting the blood drip.

My feet, soaking in blood,

I begin to fall onto the cold ground.

Immense pain clouds my thoughts.

Suddenly, I'm staring into a mirror.

There is a girl, clutching a knife

Her eyes meet mine,

They hold me like a distant light on a winter's night.

Familiar, does the light blue eyes look.

The silence; the pain,

Driving me insane.

The mirror cracks; shatters,

Into pieces....

Pieces that will never be put back together.

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